Feb 19, 2013

Saya Bingung!!!!


Pertama, gue bingung mau ngepost apaan..
Kedua, gue lagi bingung. Nahh masalah yang bikin bingung itu apa???
Ketiga, nah itu dia!! gue sebenernya bingung, kenapa gue musti bingung dengan masalah yang gue sendiri bingung kenapanya..
Hahahahhaha jadi ikutan bingung yaaa :D gotcha!!! ada temenya :D

It feels like, Rumors "aku tersesat dan tak tau arah jalan pulang" or Ayu ting-ting "Kemana??kemana??kemana??Dimana??dimana??dimana??"

Hhhhmmm, biar ngga tersesat ato nyasar gara-gara alamat palsu mungkin sebaiknya gue calling dora the explorer kali yaaa *sigh

Aideuuhh never mind... (--")>

Aniwey, this afternoon gue lagi falling in love sama suara mbak yang satu ini :*

Anggun C. Sasmi-Evil and Angel

I don't wear lipstick everydayOnly kisses decorate my smileI don't have long legs I'm not tallBut I was tall that I could reach the stars

I'm a no learner, think, takeI'm demanding but I give so muchI've broken hearts I've said goodbyeNow I finally found the love of my life

Chorus:Well this is meI'm who I am and I'm proud to be meThis is meThere's an evil and an angel in meIn me

I believe in just one GodBut I know different ways to reach His lightI'm from a million miles from hereWith a million dreams I breathe in me

I've lived to run, stand, not to crawlI've lived to set my heart as cold as stoneI am honest with the truthSometimes lying is the best thing to doWell I got to


Go ahead and diveDeep enough in yourselfDeep enough to seeGo ahead and loveDeep enough yourselfFor your kind love anotherGo and say it loud

Ihhh mba Anggun tau aja deh kalo saya ngga terlalu suka pake lipstik dan tinggi saya cuma 160 ngga nyampe :D Dan mba Anggun juga yang membuat saya pengen jadi penyanyi tapi apa daya suara saya terlalu sadis untuk dipublikasikan *pasrah* Terima kasih ya mbak karena sudah menemani saya sore ini, saya jadi cemungudh 45 lagi :*

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